Choco Dates Bombs

Always confused on what healthy option to choose for snacks when in office or while travelling? Here is the quick and easy to make snacks filled with multiple nutrition’s for you:


    • 10-15 dates without seeds
    • 1 cup Cashew
    • 1 cup Almonds
    • 1/2 cup rose petals
    • 2 tbsp white sesame seeds
    • 1/2 cup dark choco chips
    • 1 Cup Gond (fried in 1spn ghee and Grind in mixer)


    • Grind seedless dates in mixer
    • Add chopped/crushed Almonds and cashew to it.
    • Add sesame seeds, Rose petals,  Choco chips and Gond to the mixer
    • Mix it well, Make a dough.
    • Make small balls out of it.
    • And Ur Power Balls are ready.
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